Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Group Shot

I'm lazy today and didn't feel like setting up my photo table, so I just took this group shot. These are some of the pieces that I'm actively working on. The Huck Bey is almost finished, and the Valdemar is close. I know that a lot of people work in batches of colors, or do all their customizing at once, but I do everything in a certain order. I keep a file of each horse, and start with commissions, then work down my list. It probably slows me down a lot, but it also keeps me interested because I usually have a variety of different things I can work on. Plus I like each piece to be unique and don't usually use the same base colors for each piece, I always like to mix it up!


Erin Corbett said...

Oooo, I see Fenwick! Is he going to be a sales item?

Carol H. said...

I think's actually starting to get hard for me to let go of some pieces :-0 I like this sculpture!

I'm open to color ideas for him, though he is definitely saying pinto of some sort to me.

Morgen said...

hahaha - I came to comment for the same reason... ;) Do share pics when done Carol, would love to see! :)