Wednesday, September 19, 2007

SM Andalusian

I went back in and hand-painted some darker washes in areas and then added more contrasting, lighter dapples to some parts.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


This was getting a little too wonky for me, so I printed out an outline to scale of the pose that I was looking for, and I realized that I was going to need to add, not subtract from this model in order to get the right proportions. So I spent some time sawing the legs off so I can stretch them out.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


This guy is just about done. I still need to spray him and gloss his eyes.

Friday, September 14, 2007

SM Andalusian

I've gone over the hand-painting with the airbrush, with darker colors. Next I'll go back in with hand-painting.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

SM Andalusian

This is going to be a dark dapple gray. After painting a basecoat with the airbrush and some hand-painted washes, I painted these dapples using a phot for reference, just to place the dapples. This isn't how the finished model will look, it's just the starting point. I always feel insecure when I first start out because my pieces look terrible at the beginning. Stay tuned to see how it develops...

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I'm back to working on this guy again. The neck was too straight up so I sawed it off and will be reattaching it, and I made the left hind leg move back a little further. I've been dremelling him down to almost nothing in an attempt to get rid of his sausage-belly. Even though I measured this model, the back now looks too long to me.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


I still have some more work to do on him but he's shaping up now. I think I will try some colored pencil in the mane and tail, and I have to do the hooves and some more shading overall.